Our city and state provide essential safety services to serve you and your loved ones. Below is a quick reference to those services. If you are encountering an emergency, call 911 immediately.
- 911: When you need to report a situation that requires a police officer at the scene, to summon an ambulance or Fire Department, to report a crime or fire in progress
- 411: Send anonymous tips to the Minneapolis Police Department at (612)-692-TIPS (8477) or text to 847411 (tip411)
- 311: Call this number when you need non-emergency information or services (street lamps, street signs, pot holes)
- Crime Prevention Specialist: More info coming soon…

St. Stevens
If you are homeless and not sure where to start, download a mini list of resources linked below. If you are sleeping outside or on transit, you may contact our Street Outreach program at 612-879-7624 or toll free (free from payphones) at 1-888-550-7624.
If you are a veteran, please call the St. Stephen's Veteran's Outreach Line at 612-767-4753 to talk to someone about supportive services for veteran families.
Website: ststephensmpls.org

Restorative Justice
In contrast to the more punitive and adversarial legal process, restorative justice assumes that relationships are more powerful than punishment for long term behavior change. Offenders are held accountable by taking responsibility for their actions and having the opportunity to make amends.
Restorative Justice Community Action (RJCA) brings people together to repair harm.
Through face-to-face small-group meetings called community conferencing, trained volunteer facilitators and community members meet with adults and youth who’ve committed low level offenses to talk and learn about the impact of their behavior on the community, as well as themselves, and create an agreement to make amends through community service and other kinds of activities.
This important community work is happening in Minneapolis and Hennepin County!
RJCA invites residents, property and business owners and others affected by livability offenses to meet with persons who have committed offenses in the Minneapolis neighborhoods we live and work in. As a community-based nonprofit, we believe that the process of resolving livability issues locally strengthens the overall fabric of our community.
Results and Impact
Each year RJCA helps over 400 youth and adults (“Referred Participants”) to address their actions in a way that builds relationships, connects them positively with community and move toward healing. In the past year, referred participants have contributed over 2,300 hours of volunteering and $2,100 in donations to local organizations, gave 247 apologies, and 230 individuals worked on personal development or artistic activities.
How to get involved:
• Observe a Community Conference
• Participate as a community member in conferences
• Guide community conferences as a trained facilitator
• Identify service projects in your area so participants can fill community needs
• Donate a tax-deductible contribution
Additional Programming: Community conversations on understanding and addressing implicit bias. (Contact us for further details)
(612) 746-0780 | info@rjca-inc.org | www.rjca-inc.org