Welcome to the Citizens for a Loring Park Community!

Mission; To cultivate continuing leadership and help a diverse neighborhood realize a more harmonious, thriving, and beautiful community.

Welcome to the newly elected and returning Board of Directors!

Ryo Hamasaki

Loring Park is my home and creative base, where I’ve worked to connect neighbors and support local businesses through photography and storytelling. As a CLPC board member, I’ve focused on community engagement, increasing small business visibility, and fostering a vibrant neighborhood. Whether partnering with local businesses and organizations, biking through the community, or simply picking up litter, I believe small actions create meaningful change. I’m excited to continue contributing to a stronger, more connected Loring Park.

Norman Kulba

I’ve lived in Loring Park since 2013 and love being a part of CLPC. I enjoy every aspect of being part of the group, but I especially love the fundraisers. My partner and I host the annual Christmas party and I was lucky enough to help with the Love Loring online auction during Covid. I’m looking forward to continuing work with CLPC.

Jennifer Lange

My name is Jennifer Lange. My husband, Stefan, and I have lived in Loring Park since April of 2021. We love this community! We love the walkability of our community, the many events and our close proximity to work in Downtown Minneapolis. We are also dedicated Basilica of St. Mary parishioners. I am currently serving as Vice Chair of the Parish Council at the Basilica. I have a passion for getting the Basilica to engage in Loring Park community events. I am excited to spearhead the Basilica’s first official involvement with the Loring Park Art Festival this coming July. I value our community and would be honored to serve as a board member on the Citizens for A Loring Park Community.

John Maternoski

Hi! My name is John Maternoski, and I’m running to join the Citizens for a Loring Park Community (CLPC) Board of Directors. As a Loring Park resident and architect with experience in urban planning and design, I have a deep interest in the physical environment and landscape of our neighborhood, and understand the significance and meaning it has in our day-to-day lives. Decades of experience serving on a variety of boards and committees — including the Minneapolis Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee, currently — have helped to build the leadership, teamwork, and collaborative skills that I look forward to bringing to the Board and Loring Park Community.

With so many exciting projects in the neighborhood — from landscaping and greening at Hennepin/Lyndale, to the Berger Fountain restoration and related improvements, to expanding tree canopy along our corridors, reaping all the benefits that street trees provide — I’m thrilled to share my efforts and expertise with this incredible community. Working together with other Board members and listening to my fellow Loring Park residents, small business owners, and visitors, I can’t wait to do my small part in serving this already wonderful community as we continue to move the neighborhood forward.

Danny Maya
My name is Danny Maya (she/they)! I’m a nonbinary (trans) woman who moved to Loring Park in August and fell in love with the neighborhood. My main areas of concern and experience are in DEI, housing equity, disability rights/advocacy, and queer rights/advocacy. I hope to be able to bring some new ideas and energy to the CLPC board and look forward to helping this community continue to grow!
Jamie Hughes
Hello! My name is Jamie Hughes, I have lived in Minneapolis for the past 8 years and worked in Loring Park for the last 4 of those years. During my time working in this neighborhood, I have grown very fond of the landscape, the people and the businesses that make up this community. I have recently felt compelled to engage more with the communities I occupy, which has led me to pursue a spot on the Citizens for Loring Park board.
I work for St. David’s, a non-profit located in both Westminster Presbyterian Church and recently the old YWCA building on Nicollet Mall. St. David’s as a 60-yr old organization that specializes in providing developmental and therapeutic services. One of the pillars of the organization is growth through the development of relationships. Relationships are not just the model of therapy we advertise to the world, it’s what we bring to everything we do including the everyday operations an organization requires. I am looking forward to deepening my connection to the neighborhood and hope to be apart of the growth in the community!
Glenn Oslin
My name is Glenn Oslin, I co-own Brühaven Craft Co. – a craft beverage taproom and gathering space right here in Loring Park. As a small business owner, I’ve experienced firsthand how challenging it is to operate downtown post-COVID. Navigating licenses, taxes, city regulations, low-foot traffic, and crime has been an eye-opener, and I know how much work needs to be done to make it easier for small businesses to survive and thrive; while also making Loring Park an awesome place to live for the residents.
Before Brühaven, I spent four years as a teacher and then moved into training, operations, and product management in corporate and startup settings. I’ve always been drawn to building strong teams and finding ways to make things run more smoothly and efficiently.
I live in South Minneapolis with my wife and our two young kids, and I’m passionate about making this city a better place for families, businesses, and neighbors. I’d love to bring a small business perspective to the board and work on ways to strengthen the Loring Park community for everyone.

CLPC Events & Updates

Participate in CLPC's Survey 2025

If you live, work or own property in Loring Park neighborhood, please take a moment to complete the survey linked below by April 30, 2025. Your response will help Citizens for a Loring Park Community (CLPC) develop priorities for the coming year.

Take the survey here.

New Smoke Shop Opens

There are conditions for the Operations of this store filed with the City of Minneapolis licensing department. Please email CLPC at LoveLoring2@gmail.com if you observe infractions. The City is working on seeing that the trash is removed from the East side of the building. Neighbors on that Business Mall have reached out to the new owner. We have observed a challenging 1st week on the block.

Read the High 5 Business License Operating Conditions here.

Learn about our Berger Fountain Restoration Project!

In 2021, Friends of Loring Park and Citizens for a Loring Park Community, as part of the Berger Fountain Committee, contracted with premier landscape architectural firm Damon-Farber to do a pre-design study to rehabilitate Berger (Dandelion) Fountain. This Minneapolis icon needs help.

Learn more about the project and how to help here.

Look for updates about Berger Fountain here..

Together we can restore Berger Fountain, preserving beauty and history for generations to come! Donate here.

Text BERGER. to 53-555 to donate.

Hennepin Lyndale Corridor Plantings

You will notice that maintenance on the Corridor Landscaping has begun! Green Minneapolis who has taken on Project Management of this corridor change their organizational focus to one of advocacy at the end of 2023. Coalition members are discussing the need for a permanent Project Management replacement but in the interim CLPC has signed the contract with the Landscape Company and resident John Van Heel/co-chair of the project is volunteering oversight of the contract.

Contributors to the contract are: The Basilica of Saint Mary, Lowry Hill Neighborhood, Individuals supporting the Douglas Urn, Loring Corners, Inc, St Mark’s Cathedral, Hennepin Ave United Methodist Church, Walker Art Center, and 510 Groveland.

We will also be partnering with the Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling Department to establish some Trash Containers on the corridor through the Fall.

Upcoming Community Events & Engagement

Nicollet Safety Coalition

Join us Join us the 2nd Thursday of the month from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., online.

Virtual Meeting

Join the Zoom meeting here..

Meeting ID:975 9125 5733 | Passcode: 776732

Garden of the Seasons Garden Saturdays. .

First Saturday in May: Garden season kick-off meeting and brunch from 10am – noon in the community center.

Monthly second Saturday Gardening: May – October. 9am – 11:30. 9am coffee time. Garden activities start at 9:30am. Garden activities are co-hosted with The Friends of Loring Park. All tools and supplies are onsite.

New volunteers are welcome on all Saturdays.

Watch Past CLPC Events

Community Meetings & Updates:

CLPC Board of Directors Meeting

Please join us on March 10 at 6:30 PM on Zoom.. Stay tuned and find meeting information here at loringpark.org.

Save the date for the Loring Park Art Festival!

Make sure to sign up for our Art Festival Marketplace newsletter that will keep you up to date on all the Loring Park Art Festival happenings July 26-27 2025 as well as our other festivals, including the Stone Arch Bridge Festival (June 14-15, 2025) and Art in Bayfront Park Duluth (August 16-17, 2025)

Apply now at www.loringparkartfestival.com/2025-applications.

Save the date - July 26-27 2025 p> Enjoy art!

Berger Fountain Task Force Meeting

Join us on the fourth Monday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Note the meeting date change for January and February due to City holidays. Task Force meetings are held in person at the Loring Park Community Center.

Loring Greenway Playground Discussion Scheduled for Tuesday, March 18

From the Loring Greenway Association: Since the January 30 community meeting, the Department of Public Works (DPW) has consulted with Midwest Playscapes for short term (2025) and long term (2026) playground designs. LGA and Citizens for a Loring Park Community board members viewed the space with DPW representatives and Midwest Playscapes landscape architect Tim Solomonson on March 3. CM Cashman is exploring finance options.

We are excited to share Tim’s short and long term vision for your next playground. Please join us for his presentation on Tuesday, March 18, 6-7pm. Loring Park Community Arts Center, 1382 Willow St.  We look forward to seeing you there!

From Ward 7 Office:

Together with the Citizens for a Loring Park Community (CLPC) and the Loring Greenway Association (LGA), the Ward 7 Office held a very productive community meeting on 1/30/25 at the Hyatt Regency to talk about improving communication and identifying playground/activation solutions to move forward.

Short term (Spring and Summer 2025)

  1. LGA to create a work group with LGA board members, neighbors, and Public Works (PW) staff
    1. LGA will email all individuals who signed into the meeting with an invitation to participate in the work group
    2. A goal was set to convene this new group within 3-4 weeks (Feb 20-27)
  2. PW to put together cost estimates for some different short-term options and share at the first work group meeting for discussion.
    1. Activity panels, swing set, removing the sand to discourage pet relief use, a slide, backyard scale swing sets, a storage cabinet with some things (though there was some back and forth about access/equity/theft considerations), pavement to create a flat surface instead of sand.
  3. CLPC to explore Pop-up Park idea with MPRB.
  4. PW and LGA to decide on an installation/implementation plan and total costs based on the chosen elements.
  5. LGA to start a GoFundMe where neighbors can contribute to the short term, less expensive play materials.

Long term (2025-2027)

  1. Spring 2025 – CM Cashman to author a Legislative Directive, authorizing and directing PW staff to:
    1. Research and apply for all applicable grants that could help offset the cost of a new playground. Possible grants identified so far include Hennepin County and a national organization called Kaboom!
    2. Explore a 2026 City Budget line to fund the majority of the playground cost and advocate for the Mayor to add this to his proposed budget in August of 2025.
    3. Explore the use of a special assessment (Chapter 429) to surrounding property owners to cover the remainder of the expense.
  2. Summer 2025 – LGA Work Group, PW, and W7 Office to determine the proper process and roles for identifying and selecting a contractor to guide the engagement process, design, cost estimates, and fabrication of a new playground.
    1. Explore private partner interest in providing any in-kind services (reach out to Landscape Structures, per Downtown Council and MPRB)
  3. Fall/winter 2025-2026 – Community engagement, design, cost estimates
  4. Winter/Spring 2026 – Clarify funding sources, gaps, and next steps
  5. 2026 – Establish an MOU between Public Works and LGA for regular inspection, maintenance procedures, and reporting.
  6. 2026 – Earliest possible installation

1st Ave S Reconstruction Project Update

The Minneapolis Public Works Department plans to reconstruct 1st Ave. S. from Lake St. to Franklin Ave. including replacing the Midtown Greenway Bridge. In addition to new pavement, the project will include new sidewalks, an off street bicycle facility, updated safety features, sanitary and storm main replacement, and green stormwater infrastructure.

Construction Update

1st Ave. S closure Segments of 1st Ave. S will continue to be closed through the fall and into the winter. Drivers will need to follow the posted detour ­­­­­­­­­­­route.

  • Segments of 1st Ave. S will continue to be closed through the fall and into the winter.
  • Drivers will need to follow the posted detour route.
  • 1st Ave. S is closed between 27th St. and Lake St. through the fall.
  • Vehicle detour route: Lake St., Lyndale Ave. and Franklin Ave.
  • Bicycle detour route: Lake St., Blaisdell Ave. and Nicollet Ave., and Franklin Ave.

Traffic control update

  • 1st Ave. S., between Lake St. and 27th is now open to traffic.
  • 1st Ave. S., between 22nd and 24th is a temporary two-way street to keep access to driveways.
  • The 24th St. intersection was paved this week and will be reopened to traffic on Monday.
  • 1st Ave. S., between 22nd and just north of Franklin Ave. remains closed.
  • Franklin Ave. is open in both directions.
  • The bike lanes along 1st Ave. remain closed between 27th St. and 19th St. E.

What to expect

  • Sanitary main installation will continue between 27th and 26th St. E. through December.
  • Sanitary main preparation work will be ongoing between 26th and 24th St. E. through December.
  • Sanitary main replacement will be ongoing between 22nd and Franklin Ave. through December.
  • Storm sewer installation started this week between 27th and 26th St E.

Upcoming Events

First Ave. S Reconstruction field hours

The project team has been available to answer questions every week. Now that construction is moving into the slower winter months, field hours will move to a monthly basis. Weekly meetings will resume in the spring. Come visit us to learn more:

February 20

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Wesley Andrews Coffee & Tea,111 E 26th St., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Visit the project website, sign up for project updates.

Safety walks for the Loring Park Neighborhood

Are you interested in promoting neighborliness and curbing crime in Loring Park and the surrounding neighborhood?

Beginning soon, we will embark on safety walks from The Woman’s Club through Loring Park and the surrounding neighborhood each Thursday from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. If you’re interested, please email Aileen Johnson at fritzdoris@comcast.net.

Please join us. Together we stand for a safer community.


To cultivate continuing leadership and help a diverse neighborhood realize a more harmonious, thriving, and beautiful community.