In 2021, Friends of Loring Park and Citizens for a Loring Park Community, as part of the Berger Fountain Committee, contracted with premier landscape architectural firm Damon-Farber to do a pre-design study to rehabilitate Berger (Dandelion) Fountain. This Minneapolis icon needs help. The below-ground infrastructure and above-ground condition of the fountain are deplorable. The Dandelion Fountain itself will look the same, and it will work. Damon-Farber will look at the setting, the water basin, the plaza, seating near the fountain, and sustainability (especially of water), and produce cost estimates for the entire project.
There were two phases of community engagement to help decide on a final design that met community needs and budget constraints. Both phases of engagement consisted of an online survey, focus groups, and pop-up tabling in Loring Park with community partners. A proposed final design for the project debuted in August at National Night Out in Loring Park. Thank you to everyone who took time to share ideas and opinions about the fountain and the surrounding area of Loring Park.
Next steps for the project include continued fundraising, completing design development, final design, and construction documents phases, with construction planned as early as fall.
Donate to the Berger Fountain
- Donate here.
- Text BERGER. to 53-555 to donate.
Other Ways to Donate
After 50 years, our beloved Berger Fountain, which beautified Loring Park and attracted visitors, fell into serious disrepair. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) had to shut it down in 2018.
The neighborhood has prioritized the Berger Fountain since 1991 in the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan and the Loring Park Master Plan created by Balmori. In 1995 if was again prioritized in the NRP Phase II plan and in 2013 both the Loring Park Neighborhood Master Plan and MRPB Downtown Parks Master Plan prioritized restoration of the Berger Fountain.
The efforts led to an agreement between Friends of Loring Park, CLPC, and MPRB to pursue Berger fountain restoration knowing that MPRB Master plan funding would not be available until 2027.
FOLP and CLPC formed the Berger Fountain Task Force. Representatives are appointed by both organizations, from the Loring Park Greenway and 2 At Large members.
Friends of Loring Park (FOLP) and Citizens for a Loring Park Community (CLPC), upon receiving MPRB approval posted an RFP for a Feasibility study, to determine if the Fountain could be restored, what parts would need to be replaced & estimated costs. The study recommends the best ways to restore the Berger Fountain.
We selected Damon-Farber Landscape Firm which had provided services for the Loring Greenway and Loring Greenway East (also, they were the Minneapolis-based landscape firm that planned the Convention Center Park, Peavy Plaza and WaterWorks).
A second Community Design phase was completed through a Community Engagement process -focus groups, surveys, pop-up park exhibits, info booths at summer Loring Park & Neighborhood Events, and Community Meetings.
The Berger Fountain Task Force chose one of the 3 final designs proposed based on the community input. This plan will restore the fountain in its current location, and create an ADA-accessible plaza with seating. The iconic dandelion design is preserved and its lighting is restored.
The Berger Fountain TF is establishing a fundraising committee. If you are interested please contact CLPC at LoveLoring2@gmail.com.
COVID-19 delayed our timeline and increased construction costs. The total project is estimated at $2.6 million with $1.2 million raised to date. The current estimate remaining to be raised is $1.5 million.
Restoration of the Berger Fountain is part of the Master Plan for downtown parks. That plan includes a walking trail from the Mississippi River to Nicollet Mall; from Nicollet to the Loring Greenway; down that beautiful walkway to the Berger-Dandelion Fountain; then through Loring Park, around the only downtown lake in our City of Lakes – Loring Lake – and ending at the Walker Sculpture Garden.
Check out proposed final plan to rebuild Berger Fountain in Loring Park
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, in partnership with the Berger Fountain Task Force, is planning to rebuild Berger Fountain (Dandelion Fountain) in Loring Park. The Berger Task Force consists of representatives from Citizens for a Loring Park Community, Friends of Loring Park and Loring Greenway Association.
More than 1,000 people weighed in through two phases of engagement to help decide on a final design which met community needs and budget constraints. Both phases of engagement consisted of an online survey, focus groups, and pop-up tabling in Loring Park with community partners. A proposed final design for the project debuted last week at National Night Out in Loring Park. Thank you to everyone who took time to share ideas and opinions about the fountain and the surrounding area of Loring Park.
Next steps for the project include completing design development, final design and construction documents phases, with construction planned as early as fall 2024.
More information
Berger Fountain Site Plan
Visit the Project Page
Design Details
- Restores the fountain in the same location, with the same size and cascading pools
- Illuminates fountain and pools at night with decorative lighting
- Creates new triangular plaza area around the fountain
- Adds seating and gathering space
- Adds flower planters to separate plaza from street
- Improves connection to Loring Greenway entrance
- Installs permeable paving to protect tree roots
- Retains all existing nearby trees
The fountain is located on the northeast edge of Loring Park along Willow Street, where the Loring Greenway meets the park.
The fountain is located on the northeast edge of Loring Park along Willow Street, where the Loring Greenway meets the park.


Berger Fountain Proposed Enclosures 2018
Enclosure options from Dunwoody students.